25 April 2024
Harbour porpoise inner ear studies awarded
In a remarkable advancement for marine mammal research, Laura Rojas, a promising young scientist, has...
09 October 2023
Unveiling the Secrets of Marine Mammals' Ears at DESY-Hereon
A Unique Opportunity at DESY-Hereon
In the world of scientific research, opportunities to utilize cutting-edge...
03 October 2023
The Science Spritz
The Science Spritz
Celebrating a momentous occasion, our colleagues recently marked the fourth event...
21 July 2023
Moin Morgen Public Event - Büsum, Germany
In July 2023, an exciting public scientific event named Moin Morgen took place in Büsum, northern Germany....
02 June 2023
A Promising Start
First General Assembly Marks Milestone in DIAPHONIA.
After the Kick-off meeting last February in Brussels...
16 February 2023
JPI Oceans Kick-off
On February 14-15, the five awarded JPI Oceans projects attended the Kick-off meeting, which took place...

DIagnostic framework to Assess and Predict tHe impact Of underwater NoIse on mArine species
Funding Agencies