Understanding the concrete effects of sound on marine life
DIagnostic framework to Assess and Predict tHe impact Of underwater NoIse on mArine species

is a three-year European initiative designed to bridge existing knowledge gaps concerning the effects of underwater noise on various marine organisms within the marine ecosystem. These encompass cetaceans, and invertebrates and commercially significant fish species found in diverse European basins.
The project is supported by JPI Oceans and the United Nations Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development, demonstrating their commitment to fostering sustainable practices in the marine environment.
OUR objectives
diagnostic fingerprinting
Developing biomarkers using molecular,
metabolomic and microscopic techniques
Short- and long-term effects
Understanding what short- and long-term effects
anthropogenic noise can have on marine life
Investigating how marine animals perceive sound,
from periphery to the central nervous system
Scientific Publications and official communications such as white papers can be found here.

DIagnostic framework to Assess and Predict tHe impact Of underwater NoIse on mArine species
Funding Agencies